Daily Archives: August 8, 2016

Getting Docker up and running on Windows (the long way round)

OK, So Docker Native is available for Windows, and in the wake of NDC Sydney I figured it was about time I got properly started with it. But getting it up and running wasn’t easy.

The installation, actually, was a breeze, with a reboot or two to get Hyper-V working on my laptop. But come time to run hello-world, there were problems.

Network timed out while trying to connect to https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/library/hello-world/images. You may want to check your internet connection or if you are behind a proxy.

OK, that’s bad. It suggests networking is broken. So, after a cursory inspection of my Hyper-V settings (everything looked OK), it was off to the internet. I found this article, which talks through setting up the beta version. Pretty good, but no dice.

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