Category Archives: Rants

The part where he gets angry

You don’t know PowerShell

We’ve been doing a lot of interviewing at work of late. You see, we’re looking for good Windows DevOps candidates, and the local market is… well… let’s just say that next-gen Windows guys are a little thin on the ground around here.

This is a problem. Because while next-gen windows candidates are thin on the ground, resumés claiming next-gen Windows skills are emphatically not thin on the ground. In fact, I have actually – literally – lost count of the number of resumés I’ve seen where PowerShell is touted as a key skill, only for the candidate to fail some very simple PowerShell questions in the initial screening. So let’s just run through a few basic principles so that we don’t all waste each other’s time.

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What isn’t DevOps?

I was sitting on twitter today and a stream of tweets rolled past that made me… a little annoyed at first, then sort of intrigued because of the amount of discussion and brain wrangling they triggered.


To be fair to Chris, I agree with a lot of what he was saying in his Real DevOps stream. But I fear that among the good stuff were a few tweets were either worded badly or wildly off the mark. I’ll admit I was initially tempted to dissect individual tweets but I think it’s more interesting – and less churlish – to get the Yet Another What Is DevOps post out of the way.

So, let’s get one thing clear, and then I’ll get started. A lot of people don’t know what “Devops” actually means. Here’s what it is, and here’s an opportunity for you to get your “no it’s not” ready.

Devops is the application of lean manufacturing principles to the IT Lifecycle

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